Friday, February 27, 2009

Do these people get anyone to proof their articles?

Being a Christian and well schooled in science, I cannot say I see any leg to stand on for someone arguing the point that life "evolved" from a series of completely random accidents.

Someone just try to argue that the complexity of this is from random chance:

But I digress, let me get to the real reason for this post...

It just makes me shake my head when "evolution" scientists in their own interview inadvertently admit that God setup the process.

Read this article in its entirety. Can you spot the admission? Highlight below for the money-quote.
"It's evolving. It's doing what we designed it to do," said Benner, a biochemist with the Gainesville, Fla.-based Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution.
All these guys are doing is proving that someone HAD to have setup the experiment. This is a perfect example of Romans 1:19-23.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

This was going to just be a comment, but it became more as soon as I got to the keyboard

Kat, Romans is what gets me out of bed in the morning and what gets me to sleep at night.

Jeremiah is specific comfort for me right now. There are too many parallels with what is happening in this country.

We have the false prophets claiming that "All is well, just trust us to fix things".

We have the spiritual whoring, the rampant sinning and the fact that so many refuse to admit that what is happening is a glimpse of the Wrath of God to come upon all who refuse to repent and believe in Christ.

As much as people want to believe that America is a "Christian Nation" or was founded as a "Christian Nation", those are huge lies. Most of the founding fathers were deists, not Christians (a huge difference). Most people in this country have no idea who the God of the bible is. And the fault lies solely at our feet.

As Christians, we must ask if we really are following Christ if we are not following his example in Matthew 4:17.

As John Piper has stated: "Missions exist because worship doesn't". As Christians, we have been called to be a holy priesthood (1 Peter 2:5). While Christ sat down after his work was finished (Hebrews 10:12), we were not given that option.

Our option is found in Matthew 28:16-20.

Unfortunately, too many people who call themselves Christians in this country are like the servant with the one talent (Matthew 25:14-30). They have taken what was given to them, the Gospel, and have hidden it instead of "investing" it in others. The important thing to realize here is the final outcome of that servant:
So take the talent from him and give it to him who has the ten talents. For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 25:28-30)

The ones who call themselves a Christian but do not share the Gospel are not Christians. They are selfishly hoarding the Gospel as a "get out of Hell Free" card. They have buried the Grace of God, awaiting the time He arrives so they can present it back to Him, with no evidence of change in their hearts. They do not care about Christ, they only want the gift to save their own hides.

If the Spirit has truly moved, and replaced some one's heart, then they will realize how precious this gift is, and will be moved to let others know how close is the time when non-Christians will face the Wrath of God alone, and without any defense.

Now that I am finished with my soapbox here, I must step down and fall upon the ground and cry out "Lord, help me start behaving like I should! Let not the fear of man seal my lips! Let the realization of the cancelled consequences my former condition, through God's grace, spur me on in love of Him and others to proclaim the Gospel to those who walk in this world dead to God."

This was hammered home last night through the observations of a six-year-old boy.

Since my conversion, I have said many times, to many people, that I just don't feel alive unless I am talking about God, Christ or the Bible. During a conversation with Denita last night, we were discussing what our witness to Christ was like, something profound hit me...

I am dead when I am not talking about God, Christ or the Bible. When I seal my lips around others, I am no longer walking in faith. When my mind is not on the things of God, I have no purpose in this life.

I have my son to thank for how he always brings up his friends at school in conversations. His innocent love for his friends keeps them in his thoughts. And because of this love he talks about them all the time. The Spirit took this as a spiritual 2x4 and beat me about the head with the Truth.

How foolish we adults are, to let the world beat this expression of love out of us. The Gospel is an incredible gift, and for those who have been given this gift, how dare we deny the one who gave us that gift by not proclaiming the Gospel.

I believe, Lord help my unbelief! Remake my mind that I may rekindle this kind of love for You and Your Son, and that I will proclaim that love loudly! (Luke 18:16-17) Thank you for using my son to teach me this lesson!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Questions from the Mirror

Christian, in the tough times in your life, where do you dive into God's word to find reassurance and comfort from your Father?


The Gospels...

a particular epistle?

Right now, many Christians in America are getting their first taste of just a small iota of God's discipline. We (I will admit, myself included) have squandered our blessings and gifts. God, in his infinite kindness and mercy, is using this economic downturn to strip us from some of the false idols we worship... comfort, gluttony; and move us back to the position of being a servant to others.

As to my answer to the question above, I am seeking the Lord's wisdom and love in the book of Jeremiah. Seeing the discipline given to God's People back then and knowing that He will be there to support me at any time, if I keep turned towards him, has been a great comfort. Knowing that there is nothing outside of His control helps banish those fears and anxieties that relying on my abilities instead of relying on His tends to bring.

My prayer for you is that you heed God's word in these times, draw closer to Him and be ready to explain to others the reason for our joy when it seems like the world is falling apart around us.

This world is not our home, we have a better one waiting for us, hold fast to that Promise. Let us finish our jobs as ambassadors well, being guided by the Holy Spirit as we are conformed to the image of Christ, so that the Glory and Love of God is proclaimed to all.