Monday, March 16, 2009

Questions from the Mirror

Christian, what to you do when you hear or read something that challenges the teachings of your tradition?

Do you thoughtfully consider the point brought up and walk in the discernment given to you through the Holy Spirit? Do you head to the Scriptures to see what God has to say, or do you instantly run to the comfort of the teachers of your tradition and blindly parrot doctrine you may have not examined thoroughly?

Remember, all man's doctrine has flaws due to our fallen nature. The only perfect Doctrine was in Christ. Putting more emphasis on man's confessions over God's Word is a sure way to fall into apostasy. 

Confessions and traditions are fine as long as they never place themselves over God's Word.


Neural said...

"Christian, what to you do when you hear or read something that challenges the teachings of your tradition?"

I remind myself of the many things I have seen that are absolute proof that God exists and the bible is His word.

Hi Eric, Hi Denita! Thought I'd skip through, but couldn't resist answering that question. :)

Denita TwoDragons said...

Hi JonB! It's so good to see you again! Please don't be a stranger, feel free to drop by and we'll catch up on the times and discuss God's Word together! :-)
