Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A warning for the technically challenged

As a techie-geek, I spend a decent amount of free time helping others with their computer woes. In fact, I am the first person my supervisor calls (not the corporate IT guys) when something goes wrong with a computer on the floor. I am also the IT guy for several of my friends' computers, handling software and hardware upgrades and general computing advice.

I feel it is my moral obligation to post this story for everyone out there to read. Please, if you are not overly knowledgable about computers, do NOT waste your money going to these guys. Ask your local geek at work, or drop me a line here at whotendsthefires AT gmail DOT com, and I'll try to help. Don't let you get screwed like this poor computer user was.

Thanks to Blues News for the original link.


Anonymous said...

I have been helping my sister virginia with her computer learning. I guess you know if two people have XP, you can go to microsoft messenger, and take control of the other persons computer. just like a real IT guy.

Village of Coconut Grove said...

Cool blog.
I'll be back to read it again.