Recently, the TwoDragons' household was thrown into a huge upheaval. Worry not fair readers, only good came out of this domestic earthquake, and it has given Denita and I a new direction in life.
Unfortunately, I do not have the free time available today to go into details , but Denita and I are starting to embark into territories we never imagined. The things we have both gone through recently have put us in a unique position, and we are compelled to put what we have learned (and are still learning) to good use.
I'll give you a quick peek behind the curtains on one of my projects: A VERY critical exegesis of the NWT.
Too many people have been duped by this translation, due to the fact that very few people who read this version of the Bible have knowledgeable access to the original texts used for this translation. While I have run across many other websites showing the translation differences, I have not seen one that has a side by side comparison with the original texts used. Comparing the NWT to the Greek and Hebrew texts is very illuminating.
This is a project unlike anything I have ever undertaken (especially since I have almost ZERO knowledge of Greek or Hebrew currently, but I plan on changing this), but given the recent events around our home, it is something that I feel must be done. Thankfully I have the help of a wonderful program, BibleWorks 7, a terrific Biblical Greek site and a pastor knowledgeable in Greek to help me with this.
If anyone has any helpful pointers or advice, please let me know through comments, or through the site email address: whotendsthefires at gmail dot com
This is going to be a very long project, but I hope to have regular updates posted here.